Saturday, September 24, 2016

NED Grants in China in 2014

According to the NED Annual Report for 2014, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in China:

Asia Catalyst, Inc.
NGO Strengthening
Empowering Civil Society to Protect the Right to Health
To improve Chinese NGOs’ operational capacity and to advocate for human rights in China. Asia Catalyst will organize training programs for NGO staff and volunteers, including workshops on decision-making and internal governance processes; provide short-term consulting services for a variety of groups; work with selected organizations to build management skills; develop online tools accessible to the broader community of NGOs; and conduct advocacy in and out of China on important public health discrimination issues and concerns regarding administrative detention.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Developing Market Economy
Protecting Rural Property Rights
To improve rural residents’ understanding of property rights and to equip them with the knowledge needed to protect their rights. CIPE’s partner organization will conduct legal training workshops, rights protection seminars, and cross-village exchange programs, and will establish five self-learning centers in selected villages. CIPE will provide logistical assistance to the partner organization with materials and other resources relevant to rural property rights, as well as provide input on the workshop content.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Enabling Free & Open Debate
To provide opportunities for free and open public debate, to improve public awareness of the political development process, and to cultivate public consensus on China’s reforms. CIPE will continue its series of weekly discussion forums at which current events, political issues, and reform agendas are openly and freely discussed at local venues open to the public. CIPE and its local partner will also analyze democratic transitions throughout the world, with an emphasis on European countries, and apply those lessons to the Chinese context.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Improving Local Governance & Promoting Public Policy Dialogue
To encourage better local governance, and to promote free and open public debate about political issues and reform agendas. CIPE will work with a partner organization to rank various provinces on the quality of local governance. CIPE will also support its partner organization in hosting discussion forums on public policy and current events.

China Change
Freedom of Information
Informing the World about China’s Human Rights Defenders
To bring attention, support, and recognition to Chinese rights defenders. The organization will highlight the perspectives of Chinese liberal intellectuals, dissidents, and human rights activists through interviews, commentary, and profiles published on its website, China Change and disseminated via social media.

China Digital Times, Inc.
Freedom of Information
Researching and Circumventing Internet Censorship in China
To counter Chinese Internet censorship and strengthen the community of digital activists. China Digital Times will provide information on censored content and make available censorship-resistant technologies to politically active Chinese Internet users.

Democratic China, Inc.
Democratic Ideas and Values
Democratic China: An Online Magazine Focusing on Political Theory and Democratic Development
To stimulate uncensored debate and discussion among Chinese scholars, students, professionals, and dissidents about how to facilitate the peaceful reform of China into a more open, pluralistic, and democratic society. Democratic China, Inc. will produce its online magazine Democratic China and provide assistance to activists experiencing difficulties because of their democracy work.

Independent Chinese PEN Center
Freedom of Information
Defending Freedom of Expression
To promote freedom of expression and strengthen the commitment of writers and independent intellectuals to democratic principles. The Independent Chinese PEN Center will provide a platform to counter censorship by publishing works by banned writers, and organize domestic and international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists.

Independent Chinese PEN Center
Freedom of Information
Defending Freedom of Expression in China
To promote freedom of expression by amplifying independent voices defending civil liberties from within China. The Independent Chinese PEN Center will publish works by banned writers to counter censorship and organizing domestic and international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists.

Initiatives for China Inc.
Conflict Resolution
Promoting Inter-ethnic Understanding and Democratic Values
To promote inter-ethnic understanding, mutual trust, and cooperation among pro-democracy activists from different ethnic groups in China. Initiatives for China will organize an inter-ethnic conference and coordinate the dissemination of information focused on conflict resolution, democratic development, human rights, and religious freedom.

International Federation of Journalists – Asia Pacific
Freedom of Information
Promoting Media Freedom in China and Hong Kong
To strengthen the capacity of journalists to advance press freedom in China. IFJ will provide training in international standards and practices, facilitate regional engagement in monitoring press freedom in China, and distribute print and electronic reports and newsletters.

International Republican Institute
Democratic Ideas and Values
Expanding Accountability, Representation, and Inclusivity
To promote the steady movement toward a more accountable, representative, and inclusive political system in China, IRI will support independent non-government organizations and reform-minded individuals to strengthen political participation, gender awareness, rights protection, and representative policies. Activities will include training independent candidates for local elective office, supporting marginalized communities’ awareness of their legal rights, encouraging political participation and civic input in decision-making, and assisting a vibrant Chinese civil society that advocates for citizen needs.

Princeton China Initiative
Freedom of Information
Supporting Free Expression and Open Debate for Chinese Democracy
To provide an effective forum for free expression and to stimulate liberal debate on China’s international role. Princeton China Initiative will publish China in Perspective Magazine, which provides a platform for Chinese writers to discuss issues related to comparative democratization, Chinese foreign policy, responsible international behavior, and nationalism.

Reporters Without Borders
Freedom of Information
Supporting Freedom of Information in China
To improve the ability of professional journalists and citizen-journalists to gather, analyze, and distribute news and information in China. Reporters Without Borders will organize trainings, manage information networks, and provide targeted assistance to reporters under pressure.

Solidarity Center
Freedom of Association
Worker Rights Awareness
To strengthen the capacity of workers and their advocates to defend worker rights in China. The Solidarity Center will continue to support efforts of grassroots workers and independent worker rights organizations to promote labor law enforcement and advocate for strengthened worker rights and remedies.

Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center
Human Rights
Human Rights Monitoring and Advocacy for Ethnic Mongolians in China
To advance the human rights of ethnic Mongolians living in the Inner Mongolian region of China. The Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center will report on the human rights conditions in the Inner Mongolia, through its website and its multi-language publication, Southern Mongolian Watch.

Wei Jingsheng Foundation, Inc.
Democratic Ideas and Values
Promoting Democratic Values in China
To provide awareness among Chinese of democratic values and to inform the international community about the human rights situation in China. The Foundation will continue its outreach through its website, distribution of information inside China, and frequent interviews with the international and Chinese press.

Strengthening Citizen Advocacy on the Environment
To enhance public awareness of legal rights and to help build norms of government accountability related to environmental issues. The organization will work with local partners on a variety of educational, research, public policy advocacy, outreach, and legal aid activities.

Promoting Public Participation
To promote accountability and public participation in China. The organization will create a training handbook and conduct a series of workshops for civil society activists on the principles of democratic public participation and how to use civic mechanisms such as utilizing open government information laws, pursuing public-interest issues through the courts, and holding hearings. Participants will organize educational seminars for their communities and form a civic action network.

Democratic Ideas and Values
Education on Civil Society and Democratization
To educate and train civil society activists on democratization and social movements and to provide a platform for youth on the exchange of democratic ideas, including tolerance, conflict resolution, and civil society activism. The organization will provide multi-media material and interactive forums, delivered on a variety of digital devices as well as in traditional settings, for Chinese youth to learn about recent history and current events, comparative democratic development, and civil society initiatives.

Freedom of Association
Strengthening Labor Rights in China
To promote labor rights and government accountability. The organization will conduct in-depth research on labor issues, disseminate a variety of research and educational publications, and engage in related legal aid and advocacy activities.

Freedom of Association
Documentaries on Government Policy Abuses
To project censored voices and support independent documentation and awareness-raising initiatives to counter rights abuses enabled by flawed policies and laws, lapses in due process, and lack of accountability.

Human Rights
Empowering Citizen Journalists
To document and report on human rights violations, and to increase the capacity of citizen journalists to cover stories objectively. The organization will conduct investigations, interview victims, and publicize its findings through reports, open letters, and the use of the arts. The organization will also train citizen journalists in reporting and editing skills.

Human Rights
Supporting Human Rights Activists in China
To promote human rights activism by supporting and encouraging emerging human rights defenders. The organization will provide targeted and timely assistance to human rights activists facing harassment and arrest.

Human Rights
Protecting and Supporting Chinese Human Rights Activists
To support the work of Chinese human rights defenders. The organization will work with civil society activists to develop their capacity to raise awareness of citizen rights under the law and the Constitution, to monitor and document abuses, and to carry out their work in light of best practices in rights advocacy.

Human Rights
Promoting Awareness of Human Rights
To promote awareness about human rights. The organization will organize a variety of seminars and publish an electronic magazine aimed at educating future Chinese activists about human rights.

Human Rights
Building Human Rights Advocacy Capacity and Empowering Chinese Civil Society
To promote transparency, accountability, effective change, and access to justice in China. This project will foster cooperation among Chinese rights defenders and carry out a broad program of advocacy, capacity building, and support for human rights defense activities.

NGO Strengthing
Promoting Women’s Legal Rights and Participation in Civil Society
To promote women’s rights and participation in civil society. The organization will build coalitions and provide training for female activists from various sectors of Chinese civil society, conduct research and documentation, and raise awareness on women’s rights issues, particularly via social media.

NGO Strengthing
Supporting Emerging Civil Society Networks
To build the capacity of rights-focused civil society organizations. The organization will provide activists with training in skills and knowledge related to civic participation and rights defense, ongoing project implementation advice, networking and information exchange opportunities, and strategic planning assistance.

Rule of Law
Supporting Checks and Balances on Government Power
To promote the rule of law and the development of public interest law in China. The organization will improve access to law in underserved communities by providing expertise and assistance to lawyers and citizen representatives. As part of the project, staff will compile relevant legal documents and case histories, to serve as the basis for future research.

Rule of Law
Strengthening Public Interest Law and Rights Protection in China
To strengthen the rule of law, improve government accountability, and expand the space for civil society to influence public policy; and to promote public participation and enhance the ability of vulnerable groups and consumers to protect their rights and interests. The organization will use advocacy, strategic litigation, policy recommendation, and public mobilization to protect citizens’ rights in the areas of consumer protection, discrimination against vulnerable social groups, and family planning.

Rule of Law
Promoting Democratic Policy Change in China
To encourage greater public discussion, transparency, and advocacy regarding Chinese government policies impacting family planning. The organization will work to protect individual rights through research, providing legal assistance, and bringing together an advocacy working group.

Rule of Law
Promoting Respect for the Rule of Law and an End to Torture
To strengthen the rule of law and combat torture. The organization will provide legal training on combating torture and support case work and research on criminal defense reforms.

Rule of Law
Religious Freedom, Rights Defense and Rule of Law in China
To promote religious freedom in China. The organization will support a series of rule of law trainings and provide legal assistance directed at protecting religious freedom.

Rule of Law
Empowering the Chinese Legal Community
To strengthen the capacity of China’s rights defense legal community. The organization will provide training and resources for the rights defense legal community and support legal aid in selected cases. The organization will also undertake targeted domestic and international advocacy to highlight the work of rights-defense lawyers and mobilize pressure to stop harassment and persecution targeted at them.

Rule of Law
Supplement: $60,000
To empower citizen lawyers to promote justice and rule of law in their local areas. The organization will assist a network of human rights activists to conduct trainings on legal education and conduct casework in defense of basic civil liberties and citizens’ rights.

Rule of Law
Support for Human Rights Lawyers
To strengthen the rule of law through support for human rights lawyers and other advocates. The organization will provide legal aid on cases with the potential to strengthen the legal system, illustrate the need for policy change, influence implementation of laws, or highlight otherwise unknown weaknesses in laws or their enforcement. The organization will also organize exchange workshops for Chinese lawyers.

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