Tuesday, September 20, 2016

NED Grants in China in 2005

According to the NED Annual Report for 2005, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in China:

Legal Rights Education
To carry out several programs of legal education and rights awareness. Grantees will use media outreach, conduct workshops, and produce publications to increase public awareness of existing international standards and Chinese laws designed to protect citizen rights. Grantees will also provide some direct legal aid and engage in advocacy promoting accountability, transparency, and rule of law.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To promote women's rights and improve working conditions for women laborers. ACILS will support a local NGO to operate a mobile training center through which its staff will conduct training and education sessions in a variety of venues.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To promote labor rights in China. ACILS will support a Chinese-language website that provides comprehensive information and analysis of the labor situation in China and a legal aid project that provides analysis and advice for constructive, effective approaches to dispute settlement in worker compensation and other labor law-related cases.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To promote labor rights in China. ACILS will support a Chinese-language website that provides comprehensive information and analysis of the labor situation in China and a legal aid project that provides analysis and advice for constructive, effective approaches to dispute settlement in worker compensation and other labor law-related cases.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To educate workers about their rights under Chinese law. ACILS will support a bilingual website that serves as an information clearinghouse on labor issues in China, containing information from a variety of sources.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To collect and disseminate information concerning workers' rights in China. ACILS will support a Chinese-language online worker-rights information center and will also distribute an email newsletter containing information about developments related to labor issues.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To promote women's rights and improve working conditions for women laborers. ACILS will support a local NGO to operate a mobile training center through which its staff will conduct training and education sessions in a variety of venues.

Beijing Spring Magazine
To provide an outlet for social, cultural, historical, and political analysis and commentary censored in China. Beijing Spring, a monthly Chinese-language magazine, carries contributions from authors inside and outside China regarding political developments, social issues, and the prospects for democratization in China.

Center for International Private Enterprise
To engage private sector participation in substantive dialogue on the policy changes necessary for the development of a transparent and law-based free-market system in China. CIPE will support a series of policy discussion forums and an online policy journal, in cooperation with the Center for Private Economic Studies.

Center for International Private Enterprise
To foster pluralism and transparency in public policy analysis and discussion. CIPE will support the work of China Review, an independent think-tank focused on cutting-edge policy analysis. China Review will continue its series of biweekly symposia stimulating debate on issues of economic and system reform.

Center for International Private Enterprise
To promote corporate governance reform and ethical business practices in China. Together with local partners in Beijing, CIPE will organize two educational forums on corporate governance reform featuring domestic and international experts and practitioners.

Center for International Private Enterprise
To promote strategic economic and political reforms including greater private property rights. CIPE will support efforts to advocate for reform through the publication of a series of articles and the sponsorship of a major conference on privatization and the enforcement of recent constitutional reforms.

Center for Modern China
To maintain a forum for informed and responsible debate of public policy questions. The Center will publish Modern China Studies, a quarterly Chinese-language scholarly journal that features economic and social science research concerning liberal, democratic solutions to contemporary policy questions in China.

China Aid Association
To promote religious freedom in China. The Association will publish a quarterly journal, Chinese Law & Religion Monitor, which will contain analysis and documentation of human rights abuses committed against religious believers, as well as laws and regulations concerning religious freedom in China. The Association will also maintain an online library of reference materials including Chinese and English-language full-text copies of laws and regulations governing religious practice in China.

China Free Press
To promote the free flow of information and opinion. China Free Press will provide free hosting for Chinese prodemocracy websites that have been censored or closed down by government authorities in China.

China Information Center
To provide an alternative source of news and opinion in the Chinese language. The Center will disseminate news, commentary, and independent analysis of developments in China and important international events through two Chinese-language websites and an e-mail list.

Chinese Citizen Forum
To promote civic awareness and to maintain a forum for open discussion of civic and political issues. Chinese Citizen Forum will publish a series of civic education manuals for distribution inside China and operate a Chinese-language public policy listserv.

Democratic China
To promote uncensored reporting and dialogue on issues relevant to China's political development. Democratic China will publish weekly the online Chinese-language magazine Minzhu Zhongguo (Democratic China), which carries analysis by authors inside and outside of China regarding current affairs, culture, history, and international relations.

Foundation for China in the 21st Century
To support a variety of forums for liberal intellectuals and prodemocracy analysts to promote democratic values and political reform. The Foundation will sponsor a book series and two Internet-based projects, the China E-Weekly magazine of analysis and commentary, and a petition forum.

Human Rights in China
To carry out human rights information gathering, reporting, publicity and advocacy. Special projects will include focused research on human rights developments in the traditionally Muslim-majority northwestern region of China.

Independent Chinese PEN Center
To promote freedom of expression in China. Activities will include the publication of banned works, advocacy on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists, and campaigns calling attention to authors who suffer state censorship and persecution.

International Republican Institute
To broaden the space for political representation, citizen participation, and the rule of law in China. IRI will support independent policy research on improving township level government, expansion of direct elections at the local level, civic education, training in policy advocacy related to China's HIV/AIDS epidemic and public health governance, and awareness of the legal rights of individuals in rural areas.

International Republican Institute
To work toward the release of political prisoners in China. IRI will support the programs of the Dui Hua Foundation to document individual cases of unjust incarceration, research relevant legal and judicial regulations, and advocate for the release of prisoners of conscience.

Laogai Research Foundation
To continue an extensive program of research and publication. The Foundation will carry out investigation and documentation of the Chinese system of Laogai labor camps, while also undertaking a program of timely research exposing other human rights issues.

Open Magazine
To promote free discussion and analysis of current events and political issues. Open Magazine will publish a series of Chinese language books on issues related to the future of democracy and human rights in China. The organization will also continue to regularly issue its monthly periodical, Open Magazine, known for its regular exposés and timely analysis of trends and newsworthy events in China.

Press Freedom Guardian
To publish a Chinese-language newspaper covering events related to human rights, democratization, and the activities of the Chinese democracy movement. The newspaper will be disseminated in China and abroad through print copies, e-mail subscriptions, and a website.

Princeton China Initiative
To promote human rights in China. The Initiative will carry out a broad program of support for innovative, small-scale rights defense projects.

Princeton China Initiative
To promote freedom of the press and civic engagement via the Internet in China. The Initiative will bring together advocates of political liberalization and specialists in Internet technology to foster cooperation in developing and popularizing self-publishing software, such as weblogs and other Internet tools, that enable concerned citizens to exchange ideas.

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