Saturday, September 24, 2016

NED Grants in China in 2013

According to the NED Annual Report for 2013, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in China:

Asia Catalyst, Inc.
Supporting Grassroots Health Rights Advocacy
To improve Chinese NGOs' operational capacity and to advocate for human rights in China. Asia Catalyst will organize training programs for NGO staff and volunteers, including workshops on decision-making and other internal governance processes, provide short-term consulting services for a variety of groups, work with selected organizations to build management skills, develop online tools accessible to the broader community of NGOs, and conduct advocacy inside and outside China on important public health discrimination issues and concerns regarding administrative detention.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Enabling Free and Open Debate
To provide opportunities for free and open public debate in China. CIPE will continue its series of weekly discussion forums at which current events, political issues, and reform agendas are discussed at venues open to the public. CIPE and its partner will also analyze the democratic transitions of several East European countries and apply those lessons to the Chinese context in a research and policy paper.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Protecting Rural Land-Use Rights
To protect rural land-use rights by improving rural residents' understanding of land-use rights and to equip them with the knowledge needed to protect these rights. CIPE and its partner will organize legal training programs and peer-to-peer learning among villagers. This project will build on work during the previous year to expand the project to additional localities.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Protecting Women's Property Rights
To educate rural women on gender equality, land rights, and protection of their rights; to improve village-level policy; and to raise awareness of women's legal land rights among government officials. In support of this objective, CIPE and its partner will carry out train-the-trainer workshops and legal training workshops for rural women and government officials.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Improving Transparency in Local Governments
To raise awareness among businesses, citizens and civil society groups of existing regulations on government information disclosure. CIPE and its partner will promote free and open public debate about current events, political issues and reform agendas in China. This project proposes a multi-faceted approach to raising public awareness of China's open government information regulations, with the long-term aim of promoting transparency and accountability in the Chinese public sector.

China Aid Association, Inc.
Religious Freedom, Rights Defense and Rule of Law in China
To promote religious freedom in China. China Aid Association will publish a biannual journal and maintain an online resource of materials on human rights abuses suffered by religious believers. The organization will also support legal aid and advocacy directed at protecting religious freedom.

China Digital Times, Inc.
Empowering Citizen Media
To promote media freedom and civic engagement via the Internet in China. China Digital Times will publish aggregated content that has been censored or blocked in Chinese cyberspace to amplify suppressed voices on democratic values and institutions, reveal the mechanisms of state censorship, and create online tools for citizen journalism.

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group Limited
Supporting Human Rights Lawyers in China
To strengthen the rule of law in China through support for human rights lawyers and other advocates who seek to enforce elements of China's Constitution. China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) will provide legal aid on cases with the potential to strengthen the legal system, provide justification for policy change, influence implementation of laws, or highlight otherwise unknown weaknesses in laws or their enforcement. CHRLCG will also organize exchange workshops for Chinese lawyers.

China Labor Watch, Inc.
Legal Aid and Workers' Hotline
To promote labor rights and government and corporate accountability. China Labor Watch will conduct in-depth research on labor issues, disseminate a variety of research and educational publications, and engage in related legal aid and advocacy activities.

Democratic China, Inc.
Electronic Magazine for Democratic Debate
To provide a platform to promote freedom of expression in mainland China. Democratic China will provide an online forum to stimulate debate and discussion among Chinese scholars, students, professionals, and dissidents about how to best facilitate the peaceful reform of China into a more open, pluralistic, and democratic society.

Human Rights in China, Inc.
Raising Awareness and Support for Human Rights in China
To expand and diversify online platforms for disseminating the viewpoint of Chinese rights defenders and raise awareness of human rights conditions in China. HRIC will publish Shuangzhoukan, a Chinese-language e-journal that provides reporting and analysis from contributors predominantly in China, and China Rights Forum, HRIC's bilingual publication that provides information and resources, and acts as a bridge to an international audience for Chinese voices.

Independent Chinese PEN Center
Defending Freedom of Expression
To promote freedom of expression by amplifying independent voices defending civil liberties from within China. The Independent Chinese PEN Center will publish works by banned writers to counter censorship and organize domestic and international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists.

Initiatives for China Inc.
Promoting Inter-ethnic Understanding and Democratic Values
To promote inter-ethnic understanding, mutual trust, and cooperation among pro-democracy activists from different ethnic groups in China. Initiatives for China will organize an inter-ethnic conference and coordinate the dissemination of information focused on conflict resolution, democratic development, human rights, and religious freedom.

International Federation of Journalists – Asia Pacific
Promoting Media Freedom in Mainland and Hong Kong
To strengthen the capacity of journalists to advance press freedom in China. IFJ will provide training in international standards and practices, facilitate regional engagement in monitoring press freedom in China, and distribute print and electronic reports and newsletters.

International Republican Institute
Strengthening Civil Society and Building Accountable Governance
To support efforts to improve accountability in China. IRI will empower reformers to better understand and assess political reforms, as well as strengthen the institutional capacity of civil society organizations, enabling groups to expand their networks and increase the scope of successful advocacy and training models promoting political reform in China.

Princeton China Initiative
China in Perspective Magazine
To provide an effective forum for free expression and to stimulate liberal debate on China's international role. Princeton China Initiative will publish China in Perspective Magazine, which provides a platform for Chinese writers to discuss issues related to comparative democratization, Chinese foreign policy, responsible international behavior, and nationalism.

Princeton China Initiative
Civic Engagement on Political Reform (Supplement to China in Perspective Magazine)
To foster citizen debate and participation in China’s democratic transition. Princeton China Initiative will support a conference to explore civil society’s role in political reform on the eve of the Party power handover. Participants will include prominent Chinese intellectuals, opinion leaders, and media experts who are banned from such civic engagement in China.

Solidarity Center
Worker Rights Awareness
To strengthen the capacity of workers and worker rights activists, academics, and practitioners to defend worker rights. The Solidarity Center will continue to support efforts of grassroots organizations and activists to raise workers' awareness of labor rights and to strengthen labor law enforcement, and to link the provision of legal services to aggrieved workers with broader campaigns to promote reform and institutional changes.

Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center
Human Rights Monitoring and Advocacy for Southern Mongolia
To advance the human rights of ethnic Mongols living in the Southern Mongolia region of China.  SMHRIC will report on the human rights conditions in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, also known as Southern Mongolia, through its website and its English- and Mongolian-language electronic publication, Southern Mongolian Watch.

The Rights Practice U.S., Inc.
Promoting Respect for the Rule of Law and an End to Torture
To promote the rule of law and the development of public interest law in China. The organization will provide legal training on combating torture, conduct research regarding criminal defense reforms, and promote improvements in respect for due process in relation to the application of criminal justice procedures.

Wei Jingsheng Foundation, Inc.
Promoting Worker Rights Awareness
To promote awareness among Chinese workers of their rights and to inform the international community on the labor rights situation in China. The Foundation will continue its outreach through its website, distribution of information inside China, and frequent interviews with the international and Chinese press.


Strengthening Access to Information and Environmental Advocacy
To enhance the public awareness of legal rights and to help build norms of government accountability related to environmental issues. The organization will work with local partners on a variety of educational, research, public policy advocacy, outreach, and legal aid activities.

Democratic Values and Ideas

Youth Education on Civil Society and Democratization
To provide a platform for the exchange of democratic ideas among youth, including tolerance, conflict resolution, and civil society activism.  The organization will offer a multi-platform program for Chinese youth to learn about censored recent history and current events, comparative democratic development, and civil society initiatives for youth participation.

Human Rights

Protection for China's Human Rights Activists
To provide accurate and objective information about the human rights situation in China and to support the work of human rights defenders, The organization will work with civil society activists to develop their capacity to raise rights awareness, document abuses, and adopt best practices in rights advocacy.

Minority Rights: Documenting and Advancing LGBT Rights
To promote protection of the human rights of marginalized communities in China. The organization will produce two reports and conduct advocacy on equal treatment of Chinese lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and strategies to advance  respect for their fundamental human rights.

Promoting Awareness of Human Rights
To promote awareness about human rights. The organization will organize lectures and seminars and   publish materials aimed at educating future Chinese activists about human rights. The organization will target universities and junior staff of organizations working on issues related to human rights.

Legal Redress for Rights Violations
To inform citizens about ongoing human rights abuses affecting their communities and how they can obtain legal redress under China’s constitution. The organization will investigate, verify and disseminate human rights violation reports, and inform communities about legal mechanisms to enforce their rights.

Rights Protection for Institutional Change
To promote transparency, accountability, and access to justice in China. The organization will help increase citizens’ capacity to advocate for their rights and address legislative and structural barriers to rights protection by promoting effective broad-based advocacy, building consensus and deliberative capacity, and sharing information and best practices.

NGO Strengthening

Best Practices for Nascent Civil Society Organizations
To promote sustainable community leadership and citizen participation in China. The organization will share best practices and international norms with civil society groups to enable them to provide policy input and uphold the rule of law.

Capacity Building for NGOs
To enhance information exchange, improve coordination, build capacity, and promote solidarity amonggrassroots NGOs, as well as strengthen their capacity to protect their rights. The group will organize several meetings to bring NGOs together to coordinate collective efforts.

Rule of Law

Strengthening Public Interest Law and Rights Protection in China
To strengthen the rule of law and assist vulnerable social groups in protecting their rights. The organization will provide legal aid, hold lectures and seminars, support the training of young activists, conduct research and advocacy, operate a rights assistance hotline, and maintain a website focusing on public interest law.

Supporting Checks and Balances on Unlawful Government Behavior
To promote the rule of law and the development of public interest law in China. The organization will improve access to law in underserved communities by providing expertise and assistance to lawyers and citizen representatives.

NED Annual Report 2013 – Grants to China

NED Annual Report 2013 – Grants to China

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