Tuesday, September 20, 2016

NED Grants in Tibet in 2003

According to the NED Annual Report for 2003, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Tibet:

International Campaign for Tibet
To support publications and a series of meetings designed to improve communication between Tibetans and Chinese concerning a democratic future for China and Tibet.

Social and Resource Development Fund

To support the Fund for Democracy and Human Rights Education, a Tibetan-managed mini-grants project that provides modest support for Tibetan organizations working to educate their communities about democracy and human rights and to increase participation in the political process.

Tibet Information Network

To disseminate independent news analysis and reporting on Tibet.

Tibet Institute
To purchase an offset printing press to facilitate the Institute’s capacity-building and civic awareness efforts; and for the distribution of books, magazines, and brochures on Tibet within Tibetan communities in Nepal.

Tibetan Literary Society

To publish and distribute throughout the Tibetan community in exile and in Tibet Bod-Kyi-Dus-Bab (Tibet Times), a Tibetan-language newspaper published three times per month.

Tibet Museum
To collect, preserve and present material relating to modern Tibetan history, to commemorate the loss of Tibetan culture and lives as a result of the Chinese occupation, and to project the hopes and aspirations of the Tibetan people for a brighter future.

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy

To conduct a week-long workshop for Tibetan leaders to discuss the human rights situation in Tibet and ongoing efforts to start a democratic government in exile.

Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Centre

To hold two15-day working group sessions to explore potential forms of Tibetan autonomy. In preparation for the workshops, the TPPRC will commission an expert to prepare a briefing book that provides relevant documents and comparative models of the distribution and division of powers among governmental institutions.

Tibetan Review Trust Society

To publish Tibetan Review, a monthly English-language news magazine that covers Tibet-related news and analysis.

Voice of Tibet

To support an independent Tibetan-language shortwave radio station providing regular news about Tibet, the Tibetan exile community, and the Tibetan government-in-exile for listeners in Tibet and in exile in neighboring countries. 

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