Tuesday, September 20, 2016

NED Grants in Tibet in 2001

According to the NED Annual Report for 2001, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Tibet:

International Campaign for Tibet
To enhance knowledge and understanding of Tibet among Chinese opinion leaders. ICT activities will include arranging face-to-face encounters between the Dalai Lama and leaders of the Chinese democracy movement in exile; hosting conferences and disseminating information; establishing a new Chinese-language Web site; and organizing a panel discussion featuring Tibetan and Chinese perspectives on the 1951 17-Point Agreement.

Social and Resource Development Fund (SARD)
To provide modest support for local Tibetan organizations working to educate their communities about democracy and human rights and to increase participation in the political process.

Tibet Information Network
To support a Web site and human rights news gathering, analysis and dissemination. TIN will also produce at least four in-depth research publications, including an annual report.

Tibetan Literary Society
To distribute the independent newspaper Tibet Times, covering news from Tibet and the exile community to Tibetan schools, libraries, and scholars throughout Nepal and India, as well as increase distribution inside Tibet. The society will also maintain a Web site and an e-mail service.

Tibetan Multimedia Center
To provide objective information about Tibet for Tibetans in the country and in exile as well as for audiences in China. The center will produce audio and videocassettes, organize debates among Tibetan high school students in exile and publish a Chinese language magazine to educate the Chinese public about the situation in Tibet and the struggle for human rights.

Tibetan Review Trust Society

To publish a monthly English-language magazine, Tibetan Review, a forum for Tibetan intellectuals, policy makers and others interested in current issues and politics involving Tibetan society.

Voice of Tibet
To support an independent Tibetan-language short wave radio station providing regular news about Tibet, the Tibetan exile community, and the Tibetan government-in-exile for listeners in Tibet and in neighboring exile communities.

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