Saturday, September 24, 2016

NED Grants in Xinjiang/East Turkistan in 2015

According to the NED Annual Report for 2015, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Xinjiang/East Turkistan:

Documentation and Advocacy for Uyghur Human Rights
Uyghur American Association
To raise awareness and to enhance the prominence of Uyghur human rights issues. The Uyghur American Association’s Uyghur Human Rights Project will research, document, and provide independent and accurate information about human rights violations affecting Uyghurs in China.

Uyghur Human Rights and Refugee Advocacy
World Uyghur Congress
To raise awareness and support for Uyghur human rights in East Turkestan/Xinjiang. The organization will organize an international conference on Uyghur refugee issues and continue its work conducting outreach to engage media, advocacy groups, regional experts, parliaments and international organizations on the human rights situation of Uyghurs.

NED Grants in Tibet in 2015

According to the NED Annual Report for 2015, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Tibet:

A Symposium for Tibetan Intellectuals and Artists
Filming for Tibet
To provide a safe space for minorities to express their identity, discuss political and social issues, and build stronger networks to protect their ethnic identity. The organization will hold a meeting of Tibetan educators, writers and activists to discuss and share thoughts on human rights, democracy, and the rights guaranteed to minority nationalities under the Chinese constitution. Additionally, the organization will provide support to current and former political prisoners.

Amplifying Voices from Tibet
Tibet Society UK
To amplify the voices of Tibetans in Tibet and to increase understanding of conditions in Tibet from the Tibetans’ point of view. The organization will translate articles written by popular bloggers in China from Mandarin and Tibetan into English, and disseminate them widely to highlight local perspectives on the effects of government policies in Tibet and encourage accountability.

Building the Professional Capacity of Journalists
Tibetan Journalist Public Charitable Trust
To build the professional capacity of journalists working for Tibetan exile media. The program will conduct two four-day intensive skills trainings for 10 participants each, with a focus on the principles of journalistic ethics and responsibility. The participants will be young journalists working on the news desks of print, radio, and television outlets.  The program will also include a conference convening respected and well-known journalists from Indian and international media houses.

Demton Khang – The Tibet Museum
Social and Resource Development Fund
To collect, preserve, and present material related to modern Tibetan history, commemorate Tibet’s rich civilization, protect Tibetan identity, and educate the public about Tibetan culture, language and religion. The grantee will maintain and operate its Dharamsala-based museum, Demton Khang, organize a touring exhibition, digitize its photo archive, conduct trainings on proper archiving techniques, publish an online newsletter, and maintain a website.

Demton Khang – The Tibet Museum
Social and Resource Development Fund
Supplement: $4,320
To collect, preserve, and present material related to modern Tibetan history, commemorate Tibet’s rich civilization, protect Tibetan identity, and counter Chinese propaganda on Tibet’s political and cultural history. The organization will maintain and operate a Dharamsala-based museum, display a touring exhibition, digitize its photo archive, organize trainings on proper archiving techniques, publish an online newsletter, and maintain a website.

Empowering a new Generation of Tibetan Activists and Leaders
Rights Action Lab Inc.
To enhance digital security practices and leadership skills among Tibetan civic activists. The grantee will strengthen Tibetan activists’ skills in information-gathering, media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and team-building. It will continue to develop new technology, training, and educational tools to enhance online security practices of Tibetan activists. Additionally, it will organize Lhakar Academy, a leadership training program for Tibetan youth focusing on democracy, media strategy, nonviolent tactics, and the use of information communication technology.

Human Rights Documentation and Advocacy
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
To monitor, document and highlight political repression and human rights violations in Tibet. The program will monitor state-owned Chinese media and social media for information on Tibet and conduct research on the human rights situation and legal landscape in Tibet. The grantee will produce a variety of reports based on the findings, including a special report on government repression of a wide range of individual and community civic initiatives in Tibet.

International Advocacy for Human Rights in Tibet
Tibet Justice Center
To strengthen coordinated and concerted engagement on Tibet at the United Nations through the UN Committee against Torture and the Universal Periodic Review mechanism. The Tibet Justice Center will work closely with a coalition of Tibetan NGOs and Tibet support groups to monitor, document and highlight human rights violations in Tibet, and to pressure the Chinese government to adhere to universal human rights norms.

Promoting Conflict Resolution and Democratic Processes
Tibetan Centre for Conflict Resolution
To build a vibrant democratic environment by instilling democratic values and practices that are rooted in conflict resolution principles. The program will provide skills training to local assembly members in the non-violent management of conflict and introduce communication skills useful in conflict prevention. The staff will also attend advanced training programs to develop their capacity as conflict resolution trainers.

Promoting Democracy through Theater and Performing Arts
Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts
To promote democratic values and norms, and engender a sense of community and solidarity among visitors and refugees from Tibet and Tibetans living in exile, through the medium of performing arts. The organization will perform two plays aimed at encouraging discussion about democracy, cultural identity, and language preservation among Tibetans who travel to India for pilgrimage.

Promoting Women’s Rights in the Tibetan Exile Community
Tibetan Women’s Association
To promote the social, political, and economic empowerment of Tibetan women, and to raise awareness about Tibet’s political situation. The grantee will conduct an advanced women’s leadership training course and produce publications that highlight the issues faced by Tibetan women. It will also organize panel discussions and attend conferences to advocate for protection of Tibet’s environment.

Sino-Tibetan History Project
Conflict Resolution
To conduct a rigorous analysis of competing interpretations of the historical relationship between China and Tibet. The project will bring together independent researchers and academics from various disciplines to examine evidence, from a variety of sources and in multiple languages, that has a bearing on the politically salient claim that Tibet has been a part of China since antiquity. The organization will commission a series of research papers, organize three expert meetings, and publish a paper synthesizing the findings.

Strengthening International Support for Human Rights in Tibet
International Tibet Network
To improve strategic planning and coordination of worldwide campaigns for human rights in Tibet. The network will facilitate an international campaign for greater freedom in Tibet, produce advocacy materials for use by members, conduct capacity building trainings for members, and organize international meetings of Tibet support groups.

Strengthening International Support for Human Rights in Tibet
International Tibet Network
Supplement: $8,580
To enhance strategic planning and coordination of worldwide campaigns for human rights in Tibet. The organization will facilitate an international campaign for greater freedom in Tibet, produce advocacy materials for use by members, conduct capacity building trainings for members, and organize international meetings of Tibet support groups.

Strengthening the Tibetan Movement through Campaigning and Leadership Training
Students for a Free Tibet, Inc.
To raise international awareness of rights-based issues in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists’ skills in media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. The grantee will conduct thematic campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners, forced resettlement of nomads, and the environment. The grantee will also work to bolster multilateral mechanisms that can bring pressure to bear for the peaceful resolution of the Tibet issue.

Support for Political Prisoners
Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet
To increase organizational capacity, refine strategic direction, improve implementation of programs, and strengthen advocacy efforts. The organization will review and improve its overall structure, programs, and strategies by working closely with an outside consultant. To be more effective as an advocacy group, the organization will also meet with and learn from pro-democracy organizations founded by former political prisoners in two other countries.

Tibet Express Newspaper
Khawa Karpo Tibet Culture Centre
To provide independent news and analysis about Tibet and promote discussion and debate on current social and political issues related to Tibet and Tibetans. The organization will publish a weekly Tibetan-language newspaper providing news, features and analysis, and maintain a trilingual website in Tibetan, Mandarin, and English.

Tibet Policy Institute
Social and Resource Development Fund
To monitor, document and highlight the effects of development polices in Tibet. The organization will conduct research on political, economic, and social impacts of resource extraction and mass tourism in Tibet; produce a report based on its findings; and conduct strategic advocacy campaigns on the issue. In addition, the organization will conduct an advanced training for its researchers on policy analysis.

Tibet Times Newspaper
Tibetan Literacy Society
To provide the Tibetan public with independent and accurate information on developments in Tibet and in the exile community and to promote open discussion among intellectuals and the general public on civic issues, including human rights and democracy. The organization will publish and distribute a Tibetan-language newspaper three times a month, and maintain a website that is updated daily.

Tibet Times Newspaper
Tibetan Literacy Society
Supplement: $15,000
To provide the Tibetan public with independent and accurate information on developments in Tibet and in the exile community, and to promote open discussion among intellectuals and the general public on civic issues, including human rights and democracy. The society will publish and distribute Bod-Kyi-Dus-Bab (Tibet Times), a Tibetan-language newspaper published three times a month, and maintain a website updated daily.

Tibetan Election Observation Mission
International Campaign for Tibet

To raise awareness of and provide support and solidarity for the Tibetan democratization process. Serving as the secretariat for an international network of parliamentarians concerned about Tibet, the organization will coordinate a parliamentarian mission to observe the March 20, 2016, elections taking place throughout the Tibetan exile community.

Voice of Tibet: Independent Shortwave Tibetan Radio
The Foundation Voice of Tibet
To encourage and sustain independent public opinion inside Tibet and to familiarize Tibetans with the ideals of democracy and human rights. The Voice of Tibet, an independent, Tibetan-language shortwave radio station, will broadcast regular news about Tibet, the Tibetan exile community, and the Tibetan government-in-exile to audiences in Tibet and in neighboring countries.

NED Grants in Hong Kong in 2015

According to the NED Annual Report for 2015, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Hong Kong:

Listed under NED Grants in China (Hong Kong)

Expanding Worker Rights and Democracy
Solidarity Center (SC)
To advance worker rights and democracy and strengthen civil society. The center will collaborate with partners to strengthen the organizing, negotiation, and advocacy skills of the Hong Kong trade unions regarding trade union and industrial relations issues. The project will also seek to promote understanding in the international labor and human rights communities about worker rights developments in China and to advocate for legal and judicial reforms that advance worker rights and collective bargaining.

Listed under NED Grants – Asia Regional

Promoting Public Dialogue on Political Reform in Hong Kong and China
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To promote public dialogue on political reform in Hong Kong and China. The institute will conduct an expert assessment mission to Hong Kong and draft a report for public dissemination and distribution to the diplomatic community, policymakers, and the media. The institute will invite international scholars and experts to conduct public seminars on comparative models of governance, and will also host workshops on legal advocacy to enable victims of violence to pursue protection, compensation, and justice.

NED Annual Report 2015 – Grants to China (Hong Kong)

NED Annual Report 2015 – Grants to China (Hong Kong)

NED Annual Report 2015 – Grants to Asia Regional, including Hong Kong

NED Annual Report 2015 – Grants to Asia Regional, including Hong Kong

NED Annual Report 2015 – Grant under Asia Regional to Hong Kong

NED Grants in China in 2015

According to the NED Annual Report for 2015, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in China:

Advancing Citizen Priorities through Civil Society and Accountable Governance
International Republican Institute (IRI)
To promote progress toward an accountable, representative, and inclusive political system in China, the organization will support independent non-governmental organizations and reform-minded individuals to foster civic engagement, promote capacity building, and incubate inclusive governance practices. Activities will include conducting town hall meetings, promoting participatory models for budget reform, partnering with an academic institution to host a forum, and establishing an electronic resource library.

Advocating for Chinese Civil Society
China Change
To bring international attention, support, and recognition to Chinese rights defenders. The organization will highlight the perspectives of Chinese intellectuals and human rights activists through interviews, commentary, profiles, and news published on its website and disseminated via social media.

Bolstering Human Rights Activism and Rights Based Civil Society
Human Rights
To support the work of Chinese human rights defenders to raise rights awareness, document abuses, and bolster rights based civil society.  Civil society activists will be supported in developing their capacity in strategic planning, organizational development, and networking; and human rights defenders will receive training in how to cope with abusive practices, and raise awareness of significant human rights violations.

Bolstering Human Rights Activism and Rights Based Civil Society
Human Rights
Supplement: $20,000
To support the work of Chinese human rights defenders to raise rights awareness, document abuses, and bolster rights-based civil society advocacy. Civil society activists will be assisted in developing their capacity in strategic planning, organizational development, and networking; human rights defenders will be supported in their efforts to cope with abusive practices; and raise awareness of significant human rights violations.

Building Human Rights Advocacy Capacity and Empowering Civil Society
Human Rights
To promote transparency, accountability, human rights, and access to justice in China. This project will foster cooperation among Chinese rights defenders and carry out a broad program of advocacy, capacity building, and support for human rights defense activities.

Building the Capacity of Civil Society
To improve the capacity of civil society organizations working on anti-discrimination issues in conducting legal and policy work, and to improve the capacity of women lawyers working on antidiscrimination and consumers’ rights cases.  The organization will facilitate trainings for civil society in the use of public interest litigation and advocacy strategies and also support the development of civil society actors.

Circumventing Internet Censorship in China
China Digital Times, Inc.
To strengthen the community of digital activists by creating strategies to circumvent the “Great Firewall” and by popularizing the use of anti-censorship tools and practices. The project will provide timely information on censorship developments and distribute anti-censorship technologies to civic-minded Chinese Internet users.

Combatting Censorship and Creating Channels for Free Expression
China Digital Times, Inc.
To provide an open platform to access censored news, opinion, art, and commentary by Chinese citizens. The program will reintegrate censored political writing and social commentary into Chinese cyberspace and build a community of tech-savvy, politically aware Internet users. The group will also translate selected writings to give the international community access to uncensored Chinese opinions and political commentary.

Debating Democratic Reform
Democratic China, Inc.
To provide a platform for debate and intellectual discourse on democratic movements and strategies for democratization in China. The organization will publish articles by academics, activists, students, and artists about current social and political issues. The group will also maintain space to develop the framework and influence of Charter ’08 and promote political reform.

Democracy and Independent Filmmaking
Freedom of Information
To overcome censorship, raise human rights awareness, and document human rights violations. The organization will support the production of independent documentaries and human rights awareness-raising initiatives by civil society activists. The documentaries will serve to promote messages of democracy and government accountability.

Documenting Human Rights Abuses and Empowering Citizen Journalists
Freedom of Information
To raise awareness about human rights violations through citizen journalism and art. The organization will document human rights abuses, with a focus on land rights violations and forced psychiatric institutionalization. The group will also work with grassroots journalists to conduct investigative reporting and write research reports, and will work to strengthen its network of grassroots activists, legal professionals, and journalists.

Education on Civil Society and Democratization
Democratic Ideas and Values
To educate and train civil society activists on democratization and social movements and to provide a platform for youth to engage in discussion of democratic ideas, including tolerance, conflict resolution, and civil society activism. A multi-platform program will be provided for Chinese youth to learn about modern history and current events, comparative democratic development, and civil society initiatives.

Empowering Civil Society to Protect Rights
Asia Catalyst, Inc.
To improve the operational capacity of Chinese NGOs and to advocate for human rights. The organization will support training programs for NGO staff and volunteers, including workshops on decision-making and internal governance processes; provide short-term consulting services for a variety of groups; work with selected organizations to build management skills; develop online tools accessible to the broader community of NGOs; and conduct advocacy in and out of China on important public health discrimination issues and concerns regarding administrative detention.

Empowering the Chinese Legal Community
Rule of Law
To strengthen the capacity of China’s human rights legal community. The organization will support training and development of resources for human rights lawyers and support legal aid in selected cases. The organization will also support targeted domestic advocacy and undertake international advocacy to highlight the work of human rights lawyers and mobilize pressure to stop harassment and persecution targeted at human rights lawyers.

Enforcement of Labor Laws
Freedom of Association
To build the capacity of civil society activists to promote enforcement of Chinese labor laws and regulations. The organization will conduct trainings and workshops on advocacy and enforcement of labor law and other legal rights, and will also file legal cases to help targeted groups of vulnerable workers.

Enhancing Access to Justice and Countering Impunity
Rule of Law
To strengthen the rule of law and expand access to the legal system for disadvantaged groups.  Underrepresented groups and underserved areas will receive legal assistance that addresses government abuses or failure to act to protect the rights of citizens. In addition, training will be provided for groups working to promote government accountability.

Environmental Rights: Civil Society and Government Accountability
To strengthen the capacity of environmental NGOs to conduct advocacy and build norms of environmental accountability. The organization will work with local partners on a variety of educational, research, public policy advocacy, outreach, and legal aid activities to address environmental concerns.

Fostering Interethnic and Interfaith Solidarity
Initiatives for China Inc.
To foster trust and cooperation between different ethnic and religious groups. The organization will hold its eleventh annual Interethnic and Interfaith Conference to bring together prodemocracy activists from groups both inside and outside of China to share experiences and advocacy tools, and discuss current events and opportunities for cooperation.

Human Rights Monitoring and Advocacy for Ethnic Mongolians in China
Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center
To advance the human rights of ethnic Mongolians living in the Inner Mongolian region of China. The center will report on the human rights conditions in Inner Mongolia and publish its findings and related news through its website, press releases, and its multi-language publication, Southern Mongolian Watch.

Monitoring Media Freedom
Freedom House
To promote awareness among Chinese and Western stakeholders of information and media control by the government and potential responses to such control. The organization will produce the China Media Bulletin, a monthly publication in Chinese and English. The publication will provide target audiences with comprehensive information on censorship in China.

Promoting Democratic Policy Change
Rule of Law
To encourage public discussion, transparency, and advocacy about China’s family planning policies.  Research and reporting on the policies and practices of family planning agencies will be conducted, and legal assistance for victims and advocacy will be organized to advance respect for individual rights.

Promoting Democratic Values in China
Wei Jingsheng Foundation, Inc.
To promote awareness among Chinese of democratic values and to inform the international community about the human rights situation in China. The organization will continue its outreach through its website, distribution of information in China, and frequent interviews with the international and Chinese press.

Promoting Media Freedom in China
International Federation of Journalists – Asia Pacific
To protect press freedom in China and raise awareness of press freedom violations. The International Federation of Journalists -Asia will increase the capacity of journalists to report on political events and human rights by providing training in international standards and practices, as well as facilitating regional engagement in monitoring press freedom in China and distributing advocacy materials.
Promoting Respect for the Rule of Law
Rule of Law
To strengthen the rule of law and ensure lawyers are equipped to engage effectively in protecting human rights. The organization will support legal training on combating torture and other abuses by police, as well as research and advocacy on criminal defense reforms. The project will also seek to strengthen legal networks interested in human rights issues.

Protecting Rural Property Rights
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To protect rural property rights by informing residents of their rights and equipping them with the knowledge needed to protect these rights. The grantee’s partner will conduct one legal training workshop, six rights protection seminars, and an exchange program. Additionally, this project will establish two self-learning centers in select villages. The grantee will also provide logistical assistance and technical expertise on the issue of property rights.

Protecting the Rights of Chinese Private Entrepreneurs
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To help Chinese private entrepreneurs protect their legal and property rights and to educate them on how best to defend their rights. The grant will support a local partner to conduct legal training workshops and rights protection forums, and will lay the foundation for a program designed to enable participants to share experience, expertise, and resources. The program will also provide the partner with technical assistance on strengthening the rule of law and creating local ecosystems of entrepreneurship.

Raising Democratic Awareness
Democratic Ideas and Values
To foster an awareness of democratic development and democratic values, particularly among students and young adults.  Relevant course materials will be translated and printed in accessible language that provides a comparative perspective on democratic development, ideas, and values for distribution.

Religious Freedom, Rights Defense and Rule of Law
Rule of Law
To assist victims of religious persecution in defending their human rights and freedom of religion. The organization will support rule of law trainings and provide legal assistance directed at protecting religious freedom. The organization will also arrange for exchanges between Chinese civil society leaders and counterparts abroad on freedom of religion.

Strategic Support for Human Rights Lawyers
Rule of Law
To strengthen the rule of law and protection of rights for human rights lawyers. The organization will provide assistance to lawyers to take on important cases concerning human rights. These cases will have the potential to strengthen the legal system, provide momentum for policy change, and highlight weaknesses in laws or their enforcement. The project will also work to build the capacity of lawyers through workshops.

Strengthening Labor Rights
Freedom of Association
To strengthen labor rights and raise the capacity of workers to represent their interests. The organization will conduct in-depth research on labor issues, assist in worker trainings to provide information on labor rights and collective bargaining, and engage in related legal aid activities.

Strengthening Public Interest Law
To strengthen the rule of law, improve government accountability, expand the space for civil society to influence policies and laws, and to promote public participation and enhance the ability of vulnerable groups and consumers to protect their rights and interests. The organization will use its model of advocacy, strategic litigation, policy recommendations, and public outreach to protect citizens’ rights in the areas of consumer protection, discrimination against vulnerable social groups, and family planning.

Supporting Free Expression and Open Debate
Princeton China Initiative
To provide a forum for free expression and to stimulate open debate on China’s international role. The organization will produce the online publication China in Perspective, which provides a platform for Chinese academics, journalists, and independent researchers to discuss issues related to comparative democratization, Chinese foreign policy, democratic movements, and nationalism. The organization will also convene a conference on the 60th anniversary of the start of the Cultural Revolution.

Supporting Human Rights Defenders
Human Rights
To promote civil society development and human rights activism by providing support to human rights activists, political thinkers, and their families. Through coordination and collaboration with multiple networks, the organization will provide targeted and timely assistance to human rights activists facing harassment and arrest.

Worker Representative Training and Empowerment
Freedom of Association
To cultivate and train a network of worker representatives to empower workers in their respective workplaces. The grantee will support a series of focused trainings for workers on trade union organizing theories, skills and strategies.

Worker Rights Awareness in China
Solidarity Center (SC)
To strengthen the capacity of workers and their advocates to defend worker rights in China. The organization will continue to support grassroots workers and independent worker rights organizations’ efforts to promote strengthened worker rights and extend the rule of law to Chinese workers.

NED Grants in Xinjiang/East Turkistan in 2014

According to the NED Annual Report for 2014, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Xinjiang/East Turkistan:

Uyghur American Association
Human Rights
Documentation and Advocacy for Uyghur Human Rights
To raise awareness and conduct advocacy on Uyghur human rights issues. UAA’s Uyghur Human Rights Project will research, document, and provide independent and accurate information about human rights violations affecting the Turkic populations of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

World Uyghur Congress
Human Rights
Uyghur Human Rights Advocacy and Training
To enhance the ability of Uyghur prodemocracy groups and leaders to implement effective human rights and democracy campaigns. The World Uyghur Congress will organize three training seminars for pro-democracy Uyghur groups and leaders and conduct international advocacy campaigns on human rights for Uyghurs.

NED Grants in Tibet in 2014

According to the NED Annual Report for 2014, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Tibet:

Consultations Samdup
Freedom of Information
Human Rights Dialogue Between Tibetans and Chinese
To share information, facilitate dialogue, and improve understanding between Tibetans in exile and Chinese inside China. Consultations Samdup will carry out an on-line communication project directed primarily at outreach to Chinese citizens inside China to engage them on issues of freedom of information, democracy, and human rights, especially with respect to Tibet.

Filming for Tibet
Rule of Law
A Workshop on Legal Rights for Ethnic Minorities in China
To educate ethnic minorities in China about the legal and civic rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. Filming for Tibet will organize a workshop on the legal rights of ethnic minorities.

Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet
Human Rights
Support for Political Prisoners
To provide support to current and former political prisoners and to educate Tibetans in exile about human rights conditions in Tibet. Gu-Chu-Sum will provide support to political prisoners in Tibet, maintain a human rights desk, publish an annual human rights magazine, and document video testimonies of former political prisoners.

International Campaign for Tibet
Human Rights
Fostering understanding between Tibetans and Chinese
To foster better understanding of human rights and democracy-related concerns in Tibet among Chinese, both in China and abroad, and to increase communication between Tibetans and Chinese. ICT will organize conferences bringing together China and Tibet scholars, Tibetan activists, and media specialists to further elaborate and explore key engagement areas such as protection of the Tibetan environment, engaging with Chinese Buddhist communities, and analyzing China’s ethnic minority policies.

International Campaign for Tibet
Freedom of Association
Tibet-China Democracy Networking Program
To create a vibrant strategy to improve understanding of human rights and democracy-related concerns in Tibet among Chinese, both in China and abroad, and to increase communication between Tibetans and Chinese. The International Campaign for Tibet will organize a two-day meeting of China and Tibet scholars, Tibetan activists, and media specialists to formulate ideas for creating and redefining a vibrant Chinese outreach strategy.

International Tibet Network
Human Rights
Supplement: $7,000
Strengthening International Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Tibet
To improve strategic planning and coordination of worldwide campaigns for human rights and democracy in Tibet. ITN will facilitate an international campaign for greater freedom in Tibet, produce advocacy materials for use by members, and organize international meetings of Tibet support groups, including a steering committee meeting.

International Tibet Network
Human Rights
Strengthening International Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Tibet
To improve strategic planning and coordination of worldwide campaigns for human rights and democracy in Tibet. The International Tibet Network will facilitate an international campaign for greater freedom in Tibet, produce advocacy materials for use by members, and organize international meetings of Tibet support groups, including a steering committee meeting.

Khawa Karpo Tibet Culture Centre
Freedom of Information
Tibet Express Newspaper
To provide independent news and analysis to the Tibetan public and to promote greater discussion and debate on current issues related to Tibet and Tibetans. Khawa Karpo will publish the weekly Tibetan-language newspaper, Bo-Kyi-Bang-Chen (Tibet Express), and maintain a trilingual website.

Sino-Tibet Friendship Association of Taiwan
Freedom of Association
Tibet Film Festival and Art Exhibition
To facilitate dialogue and understanding between Tibetans and Chinese through the medium of arts and films. The organization will arrange art exhibits, film festivals and discussion panels in Taiwan and Hong Kong to promote greater awareness of Tibet among Chinese students and tourists from the mainland, Hong Kong Chinese and Taiwanese.

Social and Resource Development Fund
Freedom of Information
Demton Khang – The Tibet Museum
To collect, preserve, and present material related to modern Tibetan history, commemorate Tibet’s rich civilization, protect Tibetan identity, and to counter Chinese propaganda on Tibet’s political and cultural history. The Tibet Museum will educate the public about Tibetan culture, language and religion through its Dharamsala-based museum, Demton Khang, as well as a touring exhibition, digitization of its photo archive, trainings on archiving techniques, an online newsletter, and a website.

Students for a Free Tibet, Inc.
Human Rights
Empowering Tibetan Activists through Technology and Leadership Training
To raise international awareness of rights issues in Tibet, and to strengthen Tibetan activists’ advocacy skills. Students for a Free Tibet will conduct thematic campaigns on human rights and environmental issues at the grassroots, national, and international levels on language rights, political prisoners’ rights, and forced resettlement of nomads. It will also organize Lhakar Academy, leadership training for Tibetan youth focusing on democratic values and norms, media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and the use of information communication technology.

The Foundation Voice of Tibet
Freedom of Information
Voice of Tibet: Independent Shortwave Tibetan Radio
To encourage and sustain independent public opinion inside Tibet and to familiarize Tibetans with the ideals of democracy and human rights. The Voice of Tibet, an independent, Tibetan-language shortwave radio station, will broadcast regular news about Tibet, the Tibetan exile community, and the Tibetan government-in-exile to audiences in Tibet and in neighboring countries.

Tibet Justice Center
Human Rights
Supplement: $7,464
International Advocacy for Human Rights in Tibet
To strengthen coordinated and concerted engagement on Tibet at the United Nations through the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights review of China. The Tibet Justice Center will work closely with the International Tibet Network to monitor, document and highlight human rights violations in Tibet, and to pressure the Chinese government to adhere to universal human rights norms.

Tibet Justice Center
Human Rights
International Advocacy for Human Rights in Tibet
To strengthen coordinated and concerted engagement on Tibet at the United Nations through the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights review of China. Tibet Justice Center will work closely with the International Tibet Network to monitor, document and highlight human rights violations in Tibet, and to pressure the Chinese government to adhere to universal human rights norms.

Tibet Society UK
Freedom of Information
Amplifying Voices from Tibet
To promote democratic reform and media freedom in Tibet through the amplification of voices of Tibetans inside Tibet. Tibet Society UK’s project will translate articles and commentary written by popular bloggers in China into English, and disseminate them widely to encourage accountability and highlight Tibetan perspectives on the effects of current government policies in Tibet.

Tibetan Centre for Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
Promoting Conflict Resolution and Democratic Processes
To build a vibrant democratic environment by instilling democratic values and practices that are rooted in conflict resolution principles. The Tibetan Center for Conflict Resolution (TCCR) will provide skills training to local assembly members in the nonviolent management of conflict and introduce communication skills that are useful in conflict prevention. TCCR will also conduct a training of trainers program to develop a new cadre of conflict resolution trainers.

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
Democratic Ideas and Values
Human Rights Documentation and Advocacy
To monitor, document and highlight political repression and human rights violations in Tibet. The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) will monitor state-owned Chinese media and social media for information on Tibet and conduct research on the human rights situation and legal landscape in Tibet. TCHRD will produce a variety of reports based on the findings, including a special report on how current policies are repressing nearly all forms of independent social solidarity, cultural life, and community mutual assistance in Tibet.

Tibetan Literacy Society
Freedom of Information
Tibet Times Newspaper
To provide the Tibetan public with independent and accurate information on developments in Tibet and in the exile community, and to promote open discussion among intellectuals and the general public on civic issues, including human rights and democracy. The Tibetan Literacy Society will publish and distribute Bod-Kyi-Dus-Bab (Tibet Times), a Tibetan-language newspaper published three times a month, and maintain a website updated daily.

Tibetan Voluntary Health Association
Civic Education
Promoting Democracy through Theater and Performing Arts
To promote democratic values and norms, and engender mutual understanding among visitors and refugees from Tibet and Tibetans living in exile through the medium of performing arts. The Tibetan Voluntary Health Association will work with the Tibet Theatre to perform two plays aimed at encouraging discussion about democracy, cultural identity, and language preservation.

Tibetan Women’s Association
Human Rights
Promoting Women’s Rights in the Tibetan Exile Community
To promote the social, political, and economic empowerment of Tibetan women, and to raise awareness about Tibet’s political situation. The Tibetan Women’s Association will conduct an advanced women’s leadership training course and produce publications that highlight the issues faced by Tibetan women. It will also organize panel discussions and attend conferences to advocate for protection of Tibet’s environment.

Freedom of Information
Tibetan-Chinese PEN Centre
To promote freedom of expression by amplifying independent voices defending civil liberties in Tibet and China. The organization will convene a founding meeting of the Tibetan-Chinese PEN Centre by inviting Tibetan and Chinese intellectuals and writers who want to collaborate with one another, counter state censorship, and conduct advocacy on behalf of imprisoned writers.

Rule of Law
Providing Legal Aid for Ethnic Minorities in China
To raise awareness on and protect minority rights, promote adherence to constitutional protections, and strengthen the rule of law in China. The organization will work closely with lawyers in China to identify cases and provide legal representation for minorities.

NED Grants in Hong Kong in 2014

According to the NED Annual Report for 2014, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Hong Kong:

Listed under NED Grants in China (Hong Kong)

Solidarity Center
Freedom of Association
Expanding Worker Rights and Democracy
To advance worker rights and democracy and strengthen civil society in Hong Kong. The Solidarity Center will collaborate with its partners to strengthen the organizing, bargaining and advocacy skills of Hong Kong trade unions. The project will also seek to promote better understanding in the international labor and human rights communities about worker rights developments in China.

Listed under NED Grants – Asia Regional

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
Political Processes - $410,000
Amplifying Citizens’ Voices in Hong Kong & China
To engage Hong Kong civic and political sectors in substantive dialogue around governance and electoral reform processes and to provide civic education for Chinese activists. NDI will assist efforts to promote citizens’ voices in Hong Kong’s political reform process and provide technical assistance to Chinese activists on organizational and advocacy skills. In Hong Kong, NDI will support online platforms and community initiatives that promote citizen-created models of governance. NDI will also conduct a young women’s leadership initiative.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
Political Processes - Supplement: $51,210
Amplifying Citizens’ Voices in Hong Kong
To amplify citizens’ voices in Hong Kong’s political reform process and provide technical assistance to mainland Chinese activists on organizational and advocacy skills. In Hong Kong, NDI will support online platforms and community initiatives that promote citizen-created models of governance. NDI will also conduct a young women’s leadership initiative for up to 20 participants from mainland China and Hong Kong.

NED Annual Report 2014 – Grants to China (Hong Kong)

NED Annual Report 2014 – Grants to China (Hong Kong)

NED Annual Report 2014 – Grants to Asia Regional, including Hong Kong

NED Annual Report 2014 – Grants to Asia Regional

NED Annual Report 2014
Grants to Hong Kong under Asia Regional

NED Annual Report 2014 – False rebuttal that the NED was involved 
in organising the Occupy Central protests

False rebuttal by the NED that it was involved
 in organising the Occupy Central protests

NED Grants in China in 2014

According to the NED Annual Report for 2014, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in China:

Asia Catalyst, Inc.
NGO Strengthening
Empowering Civil Society to Protect the Right to Health
To improve Chinese NGOs’ operational capacity and to advocate for human rights in China. Asia Catalyst will organize training programs for NGO staff and volunteers, including workshops on decision-making and internal governance processes; provide short-term consulting services for a variety of groups; work with selected organizations to build management skills; develop online tools accessible to the broader community of NGOs; and conduct advocacy in and out of China on important public health discrimination issues and concerns regarding administrative detention.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Developing Market Economy
Protecting Rural Property Rights
To improve rural residents’ understanding of property rights and to equip them with the knowledge needed to protect their rights. CIPE’s partner organization will conduct legal training workshops, rights protection seminars, and cross-village exchange programs, and will establish five self-learning centers in selected villages. CIPE will provide logistical assistance to the partner organization with materials and other resources relevant to rural property rights, as well as provide input on the workshop content.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Enabling Free & Open Debate
To provide opportunities for free and open public debate, to improve public awareness of the political development process, and to cultivate public consensus on China’s reforms. CIPE will continue its series of weekly discussion forums at which current events, political issues, and reform agendas are openly and freely discussed at local venues open to the public. CIPE and its local partner will also analyze democratic transitions throughout the world, with an emphasis on European countries, and apply those lessons to the Chinese context.

Center for International Private Enterprise
Improving Local Governance & Promoting Public Policy Dialogue
To encourage better local governance, and to promote free and open public debate about political issues and reform agendas. CIPE will work with a partner organization to rank various provinces on the quality of local governance. CIPE will also support its partner organization in hosting discussion forums on public policy and current events.

China Change
Freedom of Information
Informing the World about China’s Human Rights Defenders
To bring attention, support, and recognition to Chinese rights defenders. The organization will highlight the perspectives of Chinese liberal intellectuals, dissidents, and human rights activists through interviews, commentary, and profiles published on its website, China Change and disseminated via social media.

China Digital Times, Inc.
Freedom of Information
Researching and Circumventing Internet Censorship in China
To counter Chinese Internet censorship and strengthen the community of digital activists. China Digital Times will provide information on censored content and make available censorship-resistant technologies to politically active Chinese Internet users.

Democratic China, Inc.
Democratic Ideas and Values
Democratic China: An Online Magazine Focusing on Political Theory and Democratic Development
To stimulate uncensored debate and discussion among Chinese scholars, students, professionals, and dissidents about how to facilitate the peaceful reform of China into a more open, pluralistic, and democratic society. Democratic China, Inc. will produce its online magazine Democratic China and provide assistance to activists experiencing difficulties because of their democracy work.

Independent Chinese PEN Center
Freedom of Information
Defending Freedom of Expression
To promote freedom of expression and strengthen the commitment of writers and independent intellectuals to democratic principles. The Independent Chinese PEN Center will provide a platform to counter censorship by publishing works by banned writers, and organize domestic and international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists.

Independent Chinese PEN Center
Freedom of Information
Defending Freedom of Expression in China
To promote freedom of expression by amplifying independent voices defending civil liberties from within China. The Independent Chinese PEN Center will publish works by banned writers to counter censorship and organizing domestic and international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists.

Initiatives for China Inc.
Conflict Resolution
Promoting Inter-ethnic Understanding and Democratic Values
To promote inter-ethnic understanding, mutual trust, and cooperation among pro-democracy activists from different ethnic groups in China. Initiatives for China will organize an inter-ethnic conference and coordinate the dissemination of information focused on conflict resolution, democratic development, human rights, and religious freedom.

International Federation of Journalists – Asia Pacific
Freedom of Information
Promoting Media Freedom in China and Hong Kong
To strengthen the capacity of journalists to advance press freedom in China. IFJ will provide training in international standards and practices, facilitate regional engagement in monitoring press freedom in China, and distribute print and electronic reports and newsletters.

International Republican Institute
Democratic Ideas and Values
Expanding Accountability, Representation, and Inclusivity
To promote the steady movement toward a more accountable, representative, and inclusive political system in China, IRI will support independent non-government organizations and reform-minded individuals to strengthen political participation, gender awareness, rights protection, and representative policies. Activities will include training independent candidates for local elective office, supporting marginalized communities’ awareness of their legal rights, encouraging political participation and civic input in decision-making, and assisting a vibrant Chinese civil society that advocates for citizen needs.

Princeton China Initiative
Freedom of Information
Supporting Free Expression and Open Debate for Chinese Democracy
To provide an effective forum for free expression and to stimulate liberal debate on China’s international role. Princeton China Initiative will publish China in Perspective Magazine, which provides a platform for Chinese writers to discuss issues related to comparative democratization, Chinese foreign policy, responsible international behavior, and nationalism.

Reporters Without Borders
Freedom of Information
Supporting Freedom of Information in China
To improve the ability of professional journalists and citizen-journalists to gather, analyze, and distribute news and information in China. Reporters Without Borders will organize trainings, manage information networks, and provide targeted assistance to reporters under pressure.

Solidarity Center
Freedom of Association
Worker Rights Awareness
To strengthen the capacity of workers and their advocates to defend worker rights in China. The Solidarity Center will continue to support efforts of grassroots workers and independent worker rights organizations to promote labor law enforcement and advocate for strengthened worker rights and remedies.

Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center
Human Rights
Human Rights Monitoring and Advocacy for Ethnic Mongolians in China
To advance the human rights of ethnic Mongolians living in the Inner Mongolian region of China. The Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center will report on the human rights conditions in the Inner Mongolia, through its website and its multi-language publication, Southern Mongolian Watch.

Wei Jingsheng Foundation, Inc.
Democratic Ideas and Values
Promoting Democratic Values in China
To provide awareness among Chinese of democratic values and to inform the international community about the human rights situation in China. The Foundation will continue its outreach through its website, distribution of information inside China, and frequent interviews with the international and Chinese press.

Strengthening Citizen Advocacy on the Environment
To enhance public awareness of legal rights and to help build norms of government accountability related to environmental issues. The organization will work with local partners on a variety of educational, research, public policy advocacy, outreach, and legal aid activities.

Promoting Public Participation
To promote accountability and public participation in China. The organization will create a training handbook and conduct a series of workshops for civil society activists on the principles of democratic public participation and how to use civic mechanisms such as utilizing open government information laws, pursuing public-interest issues through the courts, and holding hearings. Participants will organize educational seminars for their communities and form a civic action network.

Democratic Ideas and Values
Education on Civil Society and Democratization
To educate and train civil society activists on democratization and social movements and to provide a platform for youth on the exchange of democratic ideas, including tolerance, conflict resolution, and civil society activism. The organization will provide multi-media material and interactive forums, delivered on a variety of digital devices as well as in traditional settings, for Chinese youth to learn about recent history and current events, comparative democratic development, and civil society initiatives.

Freedom of Association
Strengthening Labor Rights in China
To promote labor rights and government accountability. The organization will conduct in-depth research on labor issues, disseminate a variety of research and educational publications, and engage in related legal aid and advocacy activities.

Freedom of Association
Documentaries on Government Policy Abuses
To project censored voices and support independent documentation and awareness-raising initiatives to counter rights abuses enabled by flawed policies and laws, lapses in due process, and lack of accountability.

Human Rights
Empowering Citizen Journalists
To document and report on human rights violations, and to increase the capacity of citizen journalists to cover stories objectively. The organization will conduct investigations, interview victims, and publicize its findings through reports, open letters, and the use of the arts. The organization will also train citizen journalists in reporting and editing skills.

Human Rights
Supporting Human Rights Activists in China
To promote human rights activism by supporting and encouraging emerging human rights defenders. The organization will provide targeted and timely assistance to human rights activists facing harassment and arrest.

Human Rights
Protecting and Supporting Chinese Human Rights Activists
To support the work of Chinese human rights defenders. The organization will work with civil society activists to develop their capacity to raise awareness of citizen rights under the law and the Constitution, to monitor and document abuses, and to carry out their work in light of best practices in rights advocacy.

Human Rights
Promoting Awareness of Human Rights
To promote awareness about human rights. The organization will organize a variety of seminars and publish an electronic magazine aimed at educating future Chinese activists about human rights.

Human Rights
Building Human Rights Advocacy Capacity and Empowering Chinese Civil Society
To promote transparency, accountability, effective change, and access to justice in China. This project will foster cooperation among Chinese rights defenders and carry out a broad program of advocacy, capacity building, and support for human rights defense activities.

NGO Strengthing
Promoting Women’s Legal Rights and Participation in Civil Society
To promote women’s rights and participation in civil society. The organization will build coalitions and provide training for female activists from various sectors of Chinese civil society, conduct research and documentation, and raise awareness on women’s rights issues, particularly via social media.

NGO Strengthing
Supporting Emerging Civil Society Networks
To build the capacity of rights-focused civil society organizations. The organization will provide activists with training in skills and knowledge related to civic participation and rights defense, ongoing project implementation advice, networking and information exchange opportunities, and strategic planning assistance.

Rule of Law
Supporting Checks and Balances on Government Power
To promote the rule of law and the development of public interest law in China. The organization will improve access to law in underserved communities by providing expertise and assistance to lawyers and citizen representatives. As part of the project, staff will compile relevant legal documents and case histories, to serve as the basis for future research.

Rule of Law
Strengthening Public Interest Law and Rights Protection in China
To strengthen the rule of law, improve government accountability, and expand the space for civil society to influence public policy; and to promote public participation and enhance the ability of vulnerable groups and consumers to protect their rights and interests. The organization will use advocacy, strategic litigation, policy recommendation, and public mobilization to protect citizens’ rights in the areas of consumer protection, discrimination against vulnerable social groups, and family planning.

Rule of Law
Promoting Democratic Policy Change in China
To encourage greater public discussion, transparency, and advocacy regarding Chinese government policies impacting family planning. The organization will work to protect individual rights through research, providing legal assistance, and bringing together an advocacy working group.

Rule of Law
Promoting Respect for the Rule of Law and an End to Torture
To strengthen the rule of law and combat torture. The organization will provide legal training on combating torture and support case work and research on criminal defense reforms.

Rule of Law
Religious Freedom, Rights Defense and Rule of Law in China
To promote religious freedom in China. The organization will support a series of rule of law trainings and provide legal assistance directed at protecting religious freedom.

Rule of Law
Empowering the Chinese Legal Community
To strengthen the capacity of China’s rights defense legal community. The organization will provide training and resources for the rights defense legal community and support legal aid in selected cases. The organization will also undertake targeted domestic and international advocacy to highlight the work of rights-defense lawyers and mobilize pressure to stop harassment and persecution targeted at them.

Rule of Law
Supplement: $60,000
To empower citizen lawyers to promote justice and rule of law in their local areas. The organization will assist a network of human rights activists to conduct trainings on legal education and conduct casework in defense of basic civil liberties and citizens’ rights.

Rule of Law
Support for Human Rights Lawyers
To strengthen the rule of law through support for human rights lawyers and other advocates. The organization will provide legal aid on cases with the potential to strengthen the legal system, illustrate the need for policy change, influence implementation of laws, or highlight otherwise unknown weaknesses in laws or their enforcement. The organization will also organize exchange workshops for Chinese lawyers.

NED Grants in Xinjiang/East Turkistan in 2013

According to the NED Annual Report for 2013, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Xinjiang/East Turkistan:

Uyghur American Association
Documentation and Advocacy of Uyghur Human Rights
To raise awareness, document, and conduct advocacy for Uyghur human rights issues. The Uyghur American Association's Uyghur Human Rights Project will research, document, and provide independent and accurate information about human rights violations affecting the Turkic populations of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. 

World Uyghur Congress
Uyghur Human Rights Advocacy and Fighting Against Enforced Disappearances
To enhance the ability of Uyghur prodemocracy groups and leaders to implement effective human rights and democracy campaigns. The World Uyghur Congress will organize a conference for pro-democracy Uyghur groups and leaders regarding enforced disappearances and conduct advocacy on Uyghur human rights.

NED Annual Report 2013 – Grants to China (Xinjiang/East Turkistan)

NED Annual Report 2013 – Grants to China (Xinjiang/East Turkistan)

NED Grants in Tibet in 2013

According to the NED Annual Report for 2013, the following US Government funds were allocated by the US Congress and dispersed by the NED for programs in Tibet:

Bodkyi Translation and Research House 
Minority Laws, Nonviolent Action, and Information Communication Technology Training for the Monastic Community
To increase the knowledge of the Tibetan monastic community in exile about Chinese minority laws and the theory and practice of nonviolent political action. The Bodkyi Translation and Research House will conduct a series of workshops and produce a variety of resource material for the monastic community in exile on Chinese laws and the practice of nonviolent action. 

Consultations Samdup
Human Rights Dialogue between Tibetans and Chinese
To share information, facilitate dialogue, and improve understanding between Tibetans in exile and Tibetans and Chinese inside China. Consultations Samdup will carry out an online communication project  directed at outreach to Chinese citizens in China to engage them on issues of freedom of information, democracy, and human rights, especially with respect to Tibet.

Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet
Support for Political Prisoners
To provide support to current and former Tibetan political prisoners and to educate Tibetans in exile about human rights conditions in Tibet.  Gu-Chu-Sum will provide humanitarian support to political prisoners in Tibet, and conduct research and produce publications on the plight of Tibetan political prisoners.   

International Campaign for Tibet
Tibet-China Democracy Networking Program
To improve understanding of human rights and democracy-related concerns in Tibet among Chinese, both  in China and abroad, and to increase communication between Tibetans and Chinese. ICT will facilitate interaction between Tibetan and Chinese officials, academics, and others through meetings, conferences, and the publication of a Chinese-language newsletter and website. 

International Tibet Network
Strengthening International Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Tibet
To improve strategic planning and coordination of worldwide campaigns for human rights and democracy in Tibet. ITN will facilitate an international campaign for greater freedom in Tibet, produce advocacy materials for use by members, and organize international meetings of Tibet support groups. 

Khawa Karpo Tibet Culture Centre
Tibet Express Newspaper
To provide independent news and analysis to the Tibetan public and to promote greater discussion and debate on current issues related to Tibet and Tibetans. Khawa Karpo will publish the weekly Tibetan-language newspaper, Bo-Kyi-Bang-Chen (Tibet Express), and maintain a trilingual website.

Social and Resource Development Fund
Preserving Historically Significant Tibetan Pictures and Artifacts to Raise Awareness about Tibet's Political Situation
To preserve material related to modern Tibetan history and to educate the public about Tibetan culture and people. The Tibet Museum will maintain and operate its Dharamsala-based museum, Demton Khang, display a touring exhibition, digitize its photo archive, organize trainings on proper archiving techniques, publish an online newsletter, and maintain a website.

Students for a Free Tibet, Inc.
Empowering Tibetan Activists through Technology and Active Nonviolence
To raise international awareness of rights-based issues in Tibet and to strengthen Tibetan activists’ skill in information gathering, media advocacy, communications and technology, grassroots organizing, and leadership. Students for a Free Tibet will conduct campaigns at the grassroots, national, and international levels and organize Lhakar Academy, a month-long intensive leadership training for Tibetan youth, focusing on democracy, media strategy, nonviolent tactics, and the use of technology. 

Students for a Free Tibet, Inc.
Strengthening Tibetan Activists’ Knowledge in Digital Security
To strengthen Tibetan activists’ skill in information gathering, communications, and digital security. Student for a Free Tibet will assess the Tibet movement’s ability to communicate securely online and provide trainings based on its findings for at least forty activists and key communicators in safe online practices. 

The Foundation Voice of Tibet
Voice of Tibet Shortwave Tibetan-Language Radio
To encourage and sustain independent public opinion inside Tibet and to familiarize Tibetans with the ideals of democracy and human rights. The Voice of Tibet, an independent, Tibetan-language shortwave radio station, will broadcast regular news about Tibet, the Tibetan exile community, and the Tibetan government-in-exile to audiences in Tibet and in neighboring countries. 

Tibet Justice Center
International Advocacy for Human Rights in Tibet
To strengthen coordinated and concerted engagement on Tibet at the United Nations through the Universal Periodic Review of China's human rights record. Tibet Justice Center will work closely with the International Tibet Network to monitor, document and highlight human rights violations in Tibet, and to pressure the Chinese government to adhere to universal human rights norms.

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
Human Rights Documentation and Advocacy
To monitor, document and highlight the continued political repression and human rights violations in Tibet. TCHRD will monitor state-owned Chinese media and social media for information on Tibet and conduct research on human rights situation in Tibet. TCHRD will produce a variety of reports based on  the findings, including a special report on the practice of local elections for village leaders in Tibet.

Tibetan Literacy Society
Tibet Times Newspaper
To provide the Tibetan public with independent and accurate information on developments in Tibet and in the exile community, and to promote open discussion among intellectuals and the general public on civic issues, including human rights and democracy. The Tibetan Literacy Society will publish and distribute Bod-Kyi-Dus-Bab (Tibet Times), a Tibetan-language newspaper published three times a month, and maintain a website updated daily.

Tibetan Women's Association (Central)
Promoting Women's Rights in the Tibetan Exile Community
To promote the social, political, and economic empowerment of Tibetan women, and to raise awareness about Tibet’s political situation. The Tibetan Women’s Association will conduct an advanced women’s leadership training course and produce publications that highlight the issues faced by Tibetan women.

NED Annual Report 2013 – Grants to China (Tibet)

NED Annual Report 2013 – Grants to China (Tibet)